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Letter Boxed is a New York Times game with a simple but difficult premise. To start off here is the url to the game: Link . It is free to play but you only get one submission unless you log in. This will give you unlimited submissions.
The game is simple. Each day new letters are chosen to surround the box. The solution must contain at least one of each of those letters. Only words can be entered and the next word must start with the last letter of the previous word. Using these rules you must find words that put together contain all of the letters in the box. Likewise, you can't use the same letter on a side twice. So out of the 4 sides, the letters must alternate. This reduces the options for possible words. This makes the game very challenging and people compete to try and get the shortest possible solutions. Even one word solutions are sometimes possible, but this is rare and instead two or three letter solutions are more probable.
The game was designed by Sam Von Ehren and was meant to be a unique alternative to New York Times Crossword puzzles. Feel free to send us an email on any topic or games you would want us to make solutions for or write about.
This site uses the New York Times database of words to generate possible solutions. Each day, the website runs an algorithm that takes the letters and finds combinations of words that contain all the letters and follow the rules of the game. One word solutions and two word solutions take the shortest amount of time to generate. However, the solutions grow exponentially as you add more words. Not all three word solutions are displayed, only the first thousand or so. In total there can be up to a few hundred thousand three word solutions so that would take a few minutes to generate. Same with 4 word solutions. However, the hints contain all the possible words accepted by the game, so feel free to make your solutions how long or short you want. Likewise, the hints are sorted alphabetically and displayed so if you need a word and can’t come up with one, there will always be a hint to help you.
Each day, the website updates the letters to the current NYTimes game and generates the solutions so you can make sure that the hints and solutions will be there when you need them.
Yes, Letter Boxed Plus is completely free to use and does not require any login. We believe in helping everyone have access to hints and solutions.
If there are any issues with the site or you have a suggestion. Please feel free to send us an email. Our socials can be found in the footer below. We are always happy to hear your thoughts and appreciate your help reporting bugs.